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The Freezing Cold and What We Learned

Frozen copper home piping

As temperatures start to climb and Chicago begins to thaw, it is important to take note of what we learned so we can be better prepared for next time. Here are our 6 takeaways that we think can help you get through the next winter freeze.

1.) Your home service provider is your best friend (some bias detected, we know). The last thing most people want is to have to call a home service provider, but when we have extreme temperatures they can quickly become your family’s superhero. Plan your home’s maintenance and develop a relationship with your provider. If they have a maintenance plan, ours is the GENIUS CLUB, sign up and schedule all your planned services in advance. When everyone is having issues, this is the best way to ensure you can get an expert out timely to address your issues before they get worse.

2.) Your pipes need your furnace as much as you do. As soon as you hear of sub-zero temperatures, make sure to open all cabinets with plumbing underneath them and use a fan on low to circulate warm air into these cabinets. This will help fight off drafts that could be infiltrating these spaces.

3.) If water is not flowing normally from all of your faucets and taps, you likely have a frozen pipe. The best thing to do is to shut the water off to your home and call your plumber, hopefully Intelligent Service. Early detection and response is the key to mitigating Damage.

4.) Your home’s water shut off valve MUST be operational. If you do not know where your shut off valve is located, schedule an appointment to identify it and make sure it is in proper working order. A burst pipe and a broken main water shut off is a huge recipe for disaster and is easily avoidable.

5.) Care for your HVAC equipment like it is one of your loved ones. Many of us go weeks, months and sometimes years without servicing, changing filters or just taking a visual look at our home’s heating and cooling system. Make it part of your monthly routine to look at these machines and if anything is not looking normal, give your trusted HVAC company a call. We can not say it enough, being on a maintenance plan with a certified and reputable company is the best way to ensure worry free operation.

6.) Your sump pump is part of the storm. Many floods that we responded to over the last couple of weeks were byproducts of improperly installed sump pumps and discharge piping and frozen

exterior drainage lines. Our experts are trained multiple times a year on best practices in sizing

and installation methods to give you the best chance to prevent flooding. 

We are here to help you. Our staff is trained to provide multiple solutions from a quick band aid repair, all the way up to a platinum premium solution. If you are anything like me your home is your largest investment, and deserving of the highest quality repairs and upgrades. Furthermore, in our busy lives we don’t have an abundance of time or patients to deal with unexpected emergencies. Join our GENIUS CLUB (Click here for more information) and let us shoulder that burden for you. We are here to help!

Thank you!
Jason Kerr
Business Owner

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