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Your Hose Just Flooded Your Basement

Intelligent Home Service Truck

Top 3 Things to Check Before You Run Your Hose

When spring arrives, and it’s time to turn your hose faucet back on after the winter season, there are several key things to look out for to ensure everything is functioning correctly and to prevent any damage. Here are the top three things to check:

1. Inspect for Visible Damage

Before you turn the water on, take a moment to visually inspect the hose faucet for any signs of damage. Look for cracks, breaks, or any signs of wear that might have occurred during the winter months. Winter’s freezing temperatures can cause even small amounts of trapped water to expand, potentially cracking the metal of the faucet or the pipe leading to it. Identifying and addressing any visible damage before turning on the faucet can prevent water leaks and property damage.

2. Listen for Unusual Sounds

After you’ve turned the water back on, listen closely for any sounds that could indicate a leak or a break in the water line. This could include the sound of running water when all water outlets are turned off or unusual noises coming from the walls or ground near the faucet. Such sounds may suggest that water is leaking somewhere in the system due to a burst pipe caused by freezing temperatures. Identifying leaks early can help avoid more significant issues, such as water damage to your home’s foundation or walls.

3. Check Water Flow and Pressure

Once the faucet is on, observe the water flow and pressure. It should be consistent and clear. If you notice a significant decrease in water pressure or if the water is discolored, this could indicate sediment build-up or a more severe issue within your plumbing system, such as a partial blockage or a pipe that has been damaged and is leaking underground. Reduced pressure can also suggest that a freeze over the winter caused partial damage that didn’t lead to an immediate break but is now restricting water flow.

By paying attention to these three critical aspects—visible damage, unusual sounds, and water flow/pressure—you can ensure that your hose faucet is in good working order for the spring and summer months. This proactive approach can help prevent minor issues from becoming major headaches and ensure a smooth transition into the warmer seasons.

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